Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Virgin America Adds Puerto Vallarta to Its List Of Destinations & Throws a Sale To Celebrate

This story may seem to have nothing to do with the headline, but...

In March of this year, my family adopted two adorable kittens from a shelter in New York City. As we were finishing up the adoption process, one of the shelter workers casually mentioned that the cats had been airlifted from Puerto Rico. The island has a big problem with feral cats, it seems, and very few people willing to adopt, so the overflow of street cats periodically gets sent to the Big, Welcoming Apple.

 California has the same type of problem with Chihuahuas. Too many cute little mutts of that breed yapping around and not enough residents to adopt them. So Virgin America has been helping with airlifts from CA to, you guessed it, New York where it seems residents are more generous in opening their homes.

The airline wins points in my book for supporting animal shelters in that fashion, and also for pledging to donate $25 for every ticket booked to their new destination Puerto Vallarta over the course of the sale period (which ends September 1).

Virgin gets even more karma points for throwing a real sale of tickets which undercut the competition by $50 or more for round-trips between San Francisco or Seattle and Puerto Vallarta. For all the fine print on the "No Chihuahua Left Behind" sale, click here. Though tickets must be booked soon, flights don't start until December 2.

Oh and how are the kittens doing? They go nuts whenever we play salsa!

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