Though the fees aren't high to begin with (with most coming to just $10 per carload of nature lovers), all freebies are welcome in these recessionary times. Which is why it was welcome news to hear that there will be two more periods of free entrance to those of the US' national parks that charge fees (the majority are free): September 24 (Public Lands Day) and November 11-13 (Veterans Day weekend).
Bryce Canyon (Photo by Frank Kovalchek) |
Yes, its a vacation as American as apple pie, and at some of the parks that will be given away for free, too. Concessionaire Xanterra (which operates a number of lodges and restaurants in the parks), will be giving away a free slice of pie for every entree ordered at its Grand Canyon restaurants during these upcoming free periods. It will also throw one free West Rim Sunset tour with the purchase of another such tour. To get these freebies, coupons can be downloaded at
the Xanterra site.
Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for other such giveaways in the National Parks during these periods. Historically, they've been a time of numerous free lectures, tours and workshops.
Thanks for the info on this post. Those who will be hiking a Sedona trail during these periods will find it a welcome treat.